​Copyright © Lucie Albert Michaud. All rights reserved.

Head: Round and rather small, the head shows, from the front, a rounded skull prolonged by tall and wide pomettes. In profile, the slightly convex front is continued by a concave declivity at the birth of the nose. This last, rather short, is slightly convex.

​The standards of the breed

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​Known to be the smallest cat breed in the world. Singapura is from Singapore. He lives there in the semi-wild state, since a very long time, feeding at night in the bins of restaurants and sleeping, the day, where he can! Singapura, however, can not be reduced to its small size because it is unique in many ways. Here is a description of the standards of the breed according to LOOF and TICA.​

Muzzle: Of medium length, the muzzle is wide and delimited by a well defined pinch. It must be neither sharp nor narrow. The chin is firm and well developed.

​Eyes: Large and very expressive, the eyes are wide open and nutty. Well spaced from each other by at least the

width of an eye, they should be neither round nor prominent. The accepted color goes from yellow to hazelnut

but the favorite is green in all its nuances, provided that they are uniform. Blue is not accepted.

Ears: Tall, alert and moderately pointed, the ears are cup-shaped with a flared base. This open base is particularly important in the overall impression of the size of the ears. They are spaced from the width of an ear. The inside of the ears is well supplied.

Neckline: Is short and thick.

Body: Of semi-cobby size, it has a compact body with a well open and rounded ribcage.

Legs: Strong and thick at birth, the legs will gradually become refined to a fairly refined frame.

​Feet: Small, oval and firm.

Tail: Ideally long enough to reach the scapula, the tail, slightly thick at the base tapers to a rounded end.

Dress and texture: Fine, silky and without undercoat, the fur is well laid on the body. Short, however, it must be of sufficient length so that each hair has several alternating bands, light and dark, called ticking. It is longer on the spine. Kittens may have fur longer and woolier than adults.

Color and pattern: The bottom of the dress is old ivory color. Ticking, makeup marks, pads, and tail end are dark brown or black. The truffle, brick color is lined with a dark brown or black border. The motif is genetically ticked tabby sepia. that is to say, each hair has an alternation of at least four ivory and dark brown or black bands, except on dough, throat, breast, belly, inside of the legs and the underside of the tail that are not tagged. Ticking is more pronounced on the backbone and the tail. The base of the hair is always clear and the end dark. The outer side of the hocks must have tabby marks. The head bears the typical patterns of tabby cats: inverted M on the forehead, slight makeup marks around the eyes and cheeks.

Khaleesys  Bengal & Singapura